My obsession with DIY started years ago with the first time I thought, "Hey I could do that!" I had no idea what I was doing but I loved figuring it out. It started with a sander, then a drill and miter saw, then I just kept going. I was eager to learn, anything and everything! These days, we are slowly but surely putting our personal touches on our home. That mostly means me trying to convince the husband something needs to be done. Heaven forbid someone sees that bathroom cabinet not painted!
We are also growing our family by means of an infant domestic adoption! That in and of itself could be the topic of it's own blog and it's definitely a huge part of our journey. There's sure to be much on that as it unfolds and THFH develops.
So while I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot in those early days of DIYing, it's always been about being creative and having fun. My goal with THFH is to encourage other people to gain the confidence to tackle their own home projects! We are by no means perfect, I mean I literally named this blog The Half Finished House for goodness sake! So the pictures might be awful or a project might be a complete flop, but I'm just excited to share this journey with you. From faith and family, to jigsaws and nail guns. Life is always an adventure and I'm honored to share it with you.
"May these words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
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